"What's a good swing?"

We started the weekend with a special selection of music. Roger Bucks, who always surprises us with something special, this time performed swing tunes like you've never heard them before. 

Strictly speaking, swing is a sub-genre of jazz that emerged in the 1930s and became particularly popular in the United States. Then the years went by and the style became popular and unpopular. It had a big boom in the nineties, for example, and we find that today's music is also inspired by these styles. So Roger didn't think too long and whipped up a very special selection from the ever-expanding range of new wave swing. 

You all loved the broadcast - I stole the title of the article from our regular commenter TOM97 - so it's time to listen back! And if you missed it, it's worth a double listen below or via the Radio X archive!


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